Search Results
Nik Nuesken: Stein geometry in machine learning: gradient flows, optimal transport, large deviations
Gradient Flows and Optimal Transport in Discrete and Quantum Systems
Optimal Transport and PDE: Gradient Flows in the Wasserstein Metric
Mark Peletier: Variational Modelling Energies, gradient flows and large deviations (part 1)
Michiel Renger: The inverse problem from gradient flows to large deviations
Optimal Transport and PDE: Gradient Flows in the Wasserstein Metric (continued)
Optimal Transport - Gradient Flows in the Wasserstein Metric
On the geometry of Stein variational gradient descent and related ensemble sampling methods
Modern (and Geometric) Applications of Optimal Transport
Wasserstein gradient flows for machine learning by Anna Korba
Stein Variational Gradient Descent: Fast Finite-Particle Convergence..... by Dheeraj Nagaraj